CCC team working with staff of North Central College (IL)
The CCC offers a wide range of professional development programs and provides consultation to local, national and international schools and other educational organizations.
Dr. Berkowitz and Dr. Bier, as well as other members of the CCC team, have worked intensively with many schools, districts, and Departments of Education to maximize the impact of the school experience on student development and learning. These include approximately 100 National Schools/Districts of Character in Missouri, Wisconsin, Texas and Ohio as well as the Ministries of Education in Ontario Canada, Singapore and the United Arab Emirates, as well as many schools in Switzerland, Germany, Taiwan, Japan, Scotland, Singapore, and Kenya.
Consultations and professional development workshops include:
Comprehensive character education
Servant Leadership
Educator preparation for character and citizenship education
Democratic citizenship education
Developmental discipline
Integrating character education into the academic curriculum
School leadership for character education
Class meetings
Methods in character education
Professional ethical learning community
Empowering student voices in school
Parent involvement
Character education program evaluation
Grant proposal development
School culture audit
Staff culture audit
Character education leadership team development
Parenting for character development
Leadership mentoring
Sports and character
Social Justice
Center for Spiritual and Ethical Education Chicago, IL